RPR 18 – Dr. Robert Zubrin, President of The Mars Society.

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Robert Zubrin. Dr Zubrin is the president of The Mars Society and author of the seminal “The Case for Mars” & “Mars Direct”. He is one of the most outspoken voices on getting us to Mars as soon as possible and is often featured in T.V. shows to speak on the subject, such as National Geographic’s “MARS” series.

In this interview,  we discuss:

  • The Interplanetary Transport System (ITS): What is it, what’s changed, what does Dr. Zubrin like, and what can be improved?
  • No flowing water on Mars Nature Geoscience Journal.  What’s the deal?
  • Some people are speculating perchlorates could be a major issue. What are the dangers of them for settling Mars and are there any possible benefits?
  • What year does he realistically think the first human will set foot on Mars?
  • What are his thoughts on Mars vs the Moon missions?
  • Thoughts on Craig Davidsons adaptation of his MagSail…is it revolutionary?
  • Should we have a probe on standby for the next asteroid to visit us?

Also, we discuss the Mars Society’s Arctic Flashpoint hab, possibly expanding a research station in Australia, an MDRS crew discovering dinosaur fossils, the Red Eagle contest, and more!

Find out more about Dr. Zubrin’s passion project The Mars Society at MarsSociety.org

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 18 – Dr. Robert Zubrin.


Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, Founder of I Love Mars Media.

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media.

Find out more at: Marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info

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RPR 17 – Cassandra Klos, Commander, MDRS Crew 181

In today’s episode we speak with Cassandra Klos (pronounced Klaus). She is a Boston fine art photographer and for the the past three years has been working on a photography project entitled “Mars on Earth”. It documents current Mars analog and simulation projects, astronaut training, and space exploration sciences. She served on MDRS Crew 155 as artist-in-residence and crew journalist. She returned to MDRS on Crew 181 as Commander.

Find out more from Cassandra on her artist website at www.cassandraklos.com or her Facebook page: Facebook.com/Cassandraklos/

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 17 – Cassandra Klos, Commander, MDRS Crew 181.

Or check it out here:

Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, Founder of I Love Mars Media.

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media.

Find out more at: Marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info
Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, Founder of I Love Mars Media.

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RPR 16 – Dr. Geronimo Villanueva, Planetary Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Geronimo Villanueva from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Via the NASA Website. “Dr. Geronimo Villanueva is a planetary scientist at NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center who specializes in the search for organic molecules on Mars and on icy bodies. He is the leader for Mars studies for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and scientist for the ExoMars 2016 mission. He also serves as Science and Management advisor to several observatories, including Keck, NASA-IRTF and ALMA. His foundational work on small bodies led the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to name minor planet ‘9724’after Dr. Villanueva, while the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in 2015 honored him with the Urey Prize (young planetary scientist of the year). the possibility that there was life on Mars and if it may have seeded on our planet Earth, the future of humans on Mars and how we can terraform the planet, and much more!”
In this episode we discuss the possibilities of life on Mars, the space missions Dr. Villanueva is working on such as the James Webb Space Telescope & ExoMars, and much more!

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 16 – Dr. Geronimo Villanueva, Planetary Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Today’s host is Ron Sparkman, Founder of UpportunityU.com and Co-Creator of I Love Mars Media.

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media.

Find out more at: Marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info

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RPR 15 – Dr. Chris McKay, NASA Space Scientist, Astrobiologist, & Mars/Terraforming Authority.

 In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Chris Mckay from NASA Ames Research Center. Chris is an astrobiologist and space scientist, as well as an authority often sought out to discuss terraforming other planets…and Mars! He’s also a popular science communicator that has been prominently featured on popular T.V. shows such as “How The Universe Works” and “The Universe”.

In this interview, we discuss the search for life in the Universe, the possibility that there was life on Mars and if it may have seeded on our planet Earth, the future of humans on Mars and how we can terraform the planet, and much more!

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 15 – Dr. Chris McKay, NASA Astrobiologist and Mar Authority

Or Listen Here:


From his NASA Profile:

My research focuses on the evolution of the solar system and the origin of life. I’m also actively involved in planning for future Mars missions including human exploration. I have been involved with polar and desert research, traveling to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Atacama Desert, the Arctic, and the Namib Desert to conduct research in these Mars-like environments.

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media.

Find out more at: Marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info


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RPR 14 – Alyssa Carson, Future Mars Walker.

In today’s episode we speak with Alyssa Carson. At 16 years old, she is already on her way to being a space traveler, working with Project Possum Citizen Scientist Astronautics program (Advanced POSSUM Academy. New class starting soon!), as well as being a national speaker and featured in the new Netflix documentary, “The Mars Generation”. She talks about what she’s accomplished so far, her involvement in the Mars Generation, and more!

More info on Alyssa from her website NasaBlueberry.com : ” “Always follow your dream and don’t let anyone take it from you.”  — Alyssa Carson

Ever since she was a little girl, Alyssa Carson has had her heart set on the stars. At only 3 years old, she told her father, “Daddy, I want to be an astronaut, and be one of the people that go to Mars.” He had no idea that this seemingly offhand  statement would actually become the birth of a meaningful lifelong endeavor. 

At just 16 years old, Alyssa’s list of accomplishments include witnessing 3 Space Shuttle launches, attending Space Camp 7 times, Space Academy 3 times, Robotics Academy once, youngest to graduated Advanced Space Academy, and multiple Sally Ride Camps. In 2012 and 2013, she furthered her education at Space Camp Turkey and Space Camp Canada, becoming the first person to attend all three NASA Space Camps in the world. Alyssa is also the first and only person so far to complete the NASA Passport program, visiting all 14 NASA Visitor’s Centers stretching across 9 states. In January 2013, NASA invited her to be on the MER 10 panel in Washington DC to discuss future missions to Mars live on NASA TV. She was later selected as one of seven ambassadors representing Mars One,  a mission to establish a human colony on Mars in 2030.  In October of 2016 Alyssa was the youngest to be accepted and graduate the Advanced Possum Academy, officially making her certified to go to space and an astronaut trainee.

More than anything, Alyssa is driven by an insatiable desire to live life to the fullest; to break through the ceiling of possibility and make a positive and lasting impact on the world.”

Alyssa at Project Possum training.

Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, bestselling author of the Mars Journey series, and Founder of I Love Mars Media.

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 14 – Alyssa Carson, Future Mars Walker

Or Listen Here:

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media.

Find out more at: Marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info


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RPR 13 – Deep Space Ecology’s Morgan Arena Irons


In today’s episode, we speak with Morgan Arena Irons of Deep Space Ecology. We discuss her work in environmental sciences, what ecology is, how her passion for the environment sparked her ideas to make a liveable environment on the Red Planet, and much, much more!


More info on Morgan: “Morgan is a senior at Duke University, graduating May 2017 with a double major with honors in environmental science and biology, a chemistry minor, and a pre-medicine emphasis. Her research review on closed ecological systems (CES’s) led to the development of a new patent pending CES model, the Three-Zone Model, and the founding of Deep Space Ecology. At Duke University’s Research Greenhouses, Morgan has performed research growing plants in Mars regolith simulant to better learn how plants will grow on Mars. Additionally, she co-chairs the Student Space Ambassador Leadership Program of The Mars Generation, has been named a “Human of the Year” by Motherboard-Vice, and has recently been selected as a Fellow by the Brooke Owens Fellowship Program.”DSE

Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, bestselling author of the Mars Journey series, and Founder of I Love Mars Media.

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 13 – Deep Space Ecology’s Morgan Arena Irons

Or Listen Here:

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media. Find out more at: www.marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info

Contact Morgan directly on her social media pages:





or contact Deep Space Ecology through the links below:






Join the conversation on reddit: Mars subreddit / SpaceXLounge subreddit / ColonizeMars subreddit

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RPR 12 – Spacefarming Authorities, Galactic Farms’ Jeff & Melissa Pernell

Jeff and Melissa (on the right) with Space Foundation's Rachel English and UpportunityU's Ron Sparkman

Jeff and Melissa (on the right) with Space Foundation’s Rachel English and UpportunityU’s Ron Sparkman

One of the biggest questions for the upcoming Journey To Mars, no matter who it is that’s going, is how will we eat on Mars? How can we modify the Martian regolith so that we can possibly grow crops a la “The Martian”

In today’s episode, we speak with Jeff and Melissa Pernell of Galactic Farms. We discuss their passion project of spacefarming, their award-winning team for agriculture in the Mars City Design contest, their work with HI-SEAS to help feed a Martian crew for a year, where they see spacefarming going in the future, and much more!

Today’s host is Ron Sparkman, creator of UpportunityU.com and project manager with I Love Mars Media.

Listen to our interview today on iTunes: RPR 12 – Galactic Farms’ Jeff and Melissa Pernell  

Or Listen Here:

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-procuded with I Love Mars Media. Find out more at www.MarsSociety.org and ILoveMars.Info.


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RPR 11 – Radiation and Propulsion Expert: Dr. Joseph Parker

Joseph Parker Photo

Today’s guest is Dr. Joseph Parker. Dr. Parker has a doctorate of medicine from the Mayo Clinic and a Master’s of Science in Space Studies.  He served in the Marines and became an officer in the US Air Force with the Strategic Air Command, later US Space Command, and had command and control of Minuteman II ICBMs as a Missile Launch Officer. Then he became a doctor and has been in practice for about 15 years in Emergency Medicine.

He has published and presented research in human radiation exposure tolerance regarding colonization of the Moon and Mars, as well as methods of advanced propulsion.

On today’s show we discuss:

-Radiation exposure considerations for astronauts in space, on the moon, and living on Mars.

-Various types of propulsion methods that could decrease the time it takes to get to Mars and reduce radiation exposure.

-Plus, why if you’re older… you have a theoretically higher maximum yearly radiation exposure limit.

Post any questions or comments below, and enjoy the show!

Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, bestselling author of the Mars Journey series, and Founder of I Love Mars Media.

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 11 – Dr. Joseph Parker

Or Listen Here:

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media. Find out more at: www.marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info

Find more from Dr. Parker at advancedresearchconcepts.us

Join the conversation on reddit: Mars subreddit / SpaceXLounge subreddit / ColonizeMars subreddit

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RPR 10 NASA’s “Journey To Mars” Public Affairs Officer, Jim Wilson

1eebb4cThe Orion spacecraft is kind of small, so how will NASA astronauts live comfortably on the way to Mars? What will they eat? And what are the contigency plans if something were to go wrong, a la, “The Martian”?

NASA Public Affairs Officer Jim Wilson answers these questions and more on today’s episode. Jim is an authority on all things Journey To Mars and was happy to give us all the up-to-date information on the current status of the mission.

Today’s host is Ron Sparkman, creator of UpportunityU.com and a project manager with I Love Mars Media.

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 10 – NASA’s Jim Wilson.

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-procuded with I Love Mars Media. Find out more at www.MarsSociety.org and ILoveMars.Info.

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RPR 9 – New Zealand Mars Society Chapter President: Haritina Mogoșanu

profile-pic-haritinaNew Zealand Mars Society Chapter President Haritina Mogosanu is definitely a dreamer. Her fascination with stars has gone back as far as she can remember. As Haritina grew up, her passion for stars grew too, and she learned that many of humankind’s greatest stories were linked to the stars in one way or another.

Now, as a starryteller, she uses this passion for space and stars to support science education and space exploration through outreach projects like the KiwiSpace Foundation, Ancient Skies, and the Society of Maori Astronomy.

Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, bestselling author of the Mars Journey series, and Founder of I Love Mars Media.

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 09 – Haritina Mogosanu

Or Listen Here:

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media. Find out more at: www.marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info

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