RPR 13 – Deep Space Ecology’s Morgan Arena Irons


In today’s episode, we speak with Morgan Arena Irons of Deep Space Ecology. We discuss her work in environmental sciences, what ecology is, how her passion for the environment sparked her ideas to make a liveable environment on the Red Planet, and much, much more!


More info on Morgan: “Morgan is a senior at Duke University, graduating May 2017 with a double major with honors in environmental science and biology, a chemistry minor, and a pre-medicine emphasis. Her research review on closed ecological systems (CES’s) led to the development of a new patent pending CES model, the Three-Zone Model, and the founding of Deep Space Ecology. At Duke University’s Research Greenhouses, Morgan has performed research growing plants in Mars regolith simulant to better learn how plants will grow on Mars. Additionally, she co-chairs the Student Space Ambassador Leadership Program of The Mars Generation, has been named a “Human of the Year” by Motherboard-Vice, and has recently been selected as a Fellow by the Brooke Owens Fellowship Program.”DSE

Today’s host is Bill Hargenrader, bestselling author of the Mars Journey series, and Founder of I Love Mars Media.

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 13 – Deep Space Ecology’s Morgan Arena Irons

Or Listen Here:

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media. Find out more at: www.marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info

Contact Morgan directly on her social media pages:





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