RPR 15 – Dr. Chris McKay, NASA Space Scientist, Astrobiologist, & Mars/Terraforming Authority.

 In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Chris Mckay from NASA Ames Research Center. Chris is an astrobiologist and space scientist, as well as an authority often sought out to discuss terraforming other planets…and Mars! He’s also a popular science communicator that has been prominently featured on popular T.V. shows such as “How The Universe Works” and “The Universe”.

In this interview, we discuss the search for life in the Universe, the possibility that there was life on Mars and if it may have seeded on our planet Earth, the future of humans on Mars and how we can terraform the planet, and much more!

Link to listen to our interview in iTunes: RPR 15 – Dr. Chris McKay, NASA Astrobiologist and Mar Authority

Or Listen Here:


From his NASA Profile:

My research focuses on the evolution of the solar system and the origin of life. I’m also actively involved in planning for future Mars missions including human exploration. I have been involved with polar and desert research, traveling to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Atacama Desert, the Arctic, and the Namib Desert to conduct research in these Mars-like environments.

The show and its contents are presented by The Mars Society and co-produced with I Love Mars Media.

Find out more at: Marssociety.org and www.ILoveMars.info


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