Category Archives: Uncategorized

RPR 18 – Dr. Robert Zubrin, President of The Mars Society.

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Robert Zubrin. Dr Zubrin is the president of The Mars Society and author of the seminal “The Case for Mars” & “Mars Direct”. He is one of the most outspoken voices on getting … Continue reading

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RPR 17 – Cassandra Klos, Commander, MDRS Crew 181

In today’s episode we speak with Cassandra Klos (pronounced Klaus). She is a Boston fine art photographer and for the the past three years has been working on a photography project entitled “Mars on Earth”. It documents current Mars analog … Continue reading

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RPR 16 – Dr. Geronimo Villanueva, Planetary Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Geronimo Villanueva from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Via the NASA Website. “Dr. Geronimo Villanueva is a planetary scientist at NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center who specializes in the search for organic molecules on Mars and on icy bodies. He … Continue reading

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RPR 15 – Dr. Chris McKay, NASA Space Scientist, Astrobiologist, & Mars/Terraforming Authority.

 In today’s episode we speak with Dr. Chris Mckay from NASA Ames Research Center. Chris is an astrobiologist and space scientist, as well as an authority often sought out to discuss terraforming other planets…and Mars! He’s also a popular science … Continue reading

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RPR 14 – Alyssa Carson, Future Mars Walker.

In today’s episode we speak with Alyssa Carson. At 16 years old, she is already on her way to being a space traveler, working with Project Possum Citizen Scientist Astronautics program (Advanced POSSUM Academy. New class starting soon!), as well … Continue reading

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RPR 13 – Deep Space Ecology’s Morgan Arena Irons

In today’s episode, we speak with Morgan Arena Irons of Deep Space Ecology. We discuss her work in environmental sciences, what ecology is, how her passion for the environment sparked her ideas to make a liveable environment on the Red … Continue reading

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RPR 12 – Spacefarming Authorities, Galactic Farms’ Jeff & Melissa Pernell

One of the biggest questions for the upcoming Journey To Mars, no matter who it is that’s going, is how will we eat on Mars? How can we modify the Martian regolith so that we can possibly grow crops a … Continue reading

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RPR 11 – Radiation and Propulsion Expert: Dr. Joseph Parker

Today’s guest is Dr. Joseph Parker. Dr. Parker has a doctorate of medicine from the Mayo Clinic and a Master’s of Science in Space Studies.  He served in the Marines and became an officer in the US Air Force with … Continue reading

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RPR 10 NASA’s “Journey To Mars” Public Affairs Officer, Jim Wilson

The Orion spacecraft is kind of small, so how will NASA astronauts live comfortably on the way to Mars? What will they eat? And what are the contigency plans if something were to go wrong, a la, “The Martian”? NASA … Continue reading

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RPR 9 – New Zealand Mars Society Chapter President: Haritina Mogoșanu

New Zealand Mars Society Chapter President Haritina Mogosanu is definitely a dreamer. Her fascination with stars has gone back as far as she can remember. As Haritina grew up, her passion for stars grew too, and she learned that many … Continue reading

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